Monday, May 16, 2011

My First Angry Customer

This blog has sort of taken on a life of it's own. What started as a way for me to entertain a few close friends with my stories from the dating front lines has evolved into quite the extended community. You people are hard up for some dating drama/entertainment apparently! At my expense, but I am happy to oblige.

I did get my first hate mail last week though. Sort of awesome. And since I enjoy entertaining you all, here it is for your viewing pleasure. I am sure this will instigate further hate mail, but what the hell. Things have been slow on the dating front so perhaps this will keep you all happy for a little while longer while I sit patiently on the side lines awaiting Mr. Right. Until then...

Hater:  funny blog..  whats your screen name on match?

Twins:  anonymous is the key here friend! 

Hater: not a member of match,  i just wanna see your pics and what your profile says.

Twins:  mmmm, nope. 

Hater: jeez fucking louise is it that big a deal to tell your screen name on match, i mean you do have a profile on there for the whole world to see..      Well at least send some pics and ill send some of me

Twins: It's because I write anonymously genius. I don't want people to know who the person is that is writing all this shit. Also, I care less what you look like so don't hold your breathe on the photos. 

Hater: yea, ive read your blog.  And i must say,  its American female cuntrags like you that are the reason 10's of thousands of Eligible single American men are traveling overseas to find wives..  Why?  Well thanks for asking:  because you (American women) SUCK...   Google "American women suck" and you'll find dozens of websites, blogs, forums, etc. where you'll see what im talking about..     But i have a question..  Why is every guy considered a "creepy, douchebag, loser, phycho, stalker", etc. etc.  ??  Thats the typical mindset of the average Americunt nowadays, that all men are sex-crazed rapists..   Welcome to a fucked up corrupt American society

Twins: bitter? listen dude, and I can not believe I am wasting my time writing back to someone who uses the word Americunt, but I write about the idiots out there, such as yourself, as that is what is funny. I have dated a bunch of guys that I don't write about because they are normal and nice and charming- but that doesn't make for a funny read now does it. Appears you have a chip on your shoulder, would you like to share why? I find it interesting that you freaked out just because I did not want to show you my match profile or send photos. I'm not in the habit of sending complete strangers photos and I think most women would agree. Now, if you actually took the time to strike up a conversation (remember you contacted me not the other way around) perhaps it would lead to that. But no, you showed your true colors right off the bat- no wonder you have a bad taste in your mouth- long live the Americunts if that means there are more chicks like me who call it like they see it and dont put up with assholes. travel overseas and find your bride, just don't reproduce as we don't need more of your kind in the world. Insert Happy Face Here.  

That's the last I heard of my #1 fan. How unfortunate, things were just starting to get good too. 

1 comment:

  1. Hello Ladies, my apologies for not reading up on your blog. But I have been in a film-training program, which runs til July 1. Anyway, fantastic way of kicking this fine asshole in the teeth, good for you and keep it going. Chris
